Wooden Blog

Friday, January 15, 2010

Cellular Phone and Internet Proliferation Makes Writing the Preffered Mode of Communicating in the Modern-day World

Writing has become more prevalent in the past decade due to phone and Internet proliferation in modern society. Writing letters has been the most popular form of communication for centuries, but there were limitations on the speed and cost of these messages. The invention of the telegram boosted speed but still imposed a considerable cost and a limited number of receiving stations. The fax machine was another leap in sending written messages and while its speed was excellent, the cost remained a disincentive.
The invention of the Internet, E-mailing, texting, and Smartphones have revolutionized writing. Cell phone texting was once a seldom-used novelty but it has gained popularity to the extent of rivaling ordinary voice phone calls. Texting allows users to convey a specific message without obligating the receiver to engage in a full conversation when a mere sentence would suffice. It is also an easier and more effective way to send directions, giving the reader the ability to refer back to the message when needed, while verbal instructions could be too lengthy and detailed to commit to memory. Text messaging also enables users to engage in communications at their own leisure and pace.
Another invention further boosting written message popularity was the invention of the Smartphone. Smartphones are equipped with a keypad increasing the ease and speed that text messages are transmitted. They expand upon regular cell phones in their ability to connect to the Internet, E-mail, blogs, networking sites, and countless other conduits of written communications. This boom in popularity has spurred the increase in wifi coverage in virtually all urban areas allowing any wifi ready device the capability to engage in written exchanges.
As long as Internet and cellular communications subsist largely on written words then writing will continue a proportional rise in popularity. Emphasizing the importance of writing is important in preparing future generations to effectively keep pace with the rapidly evolving communication technologies.


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